About the Exhibition

Dr. Andreas Anton
Sociologist and cognitive scientist with a focus on conspiracy theories, parapsychology, anomalistics as well as the social interpretive patterns of unusual experiences. He works as a research associate at the Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP) in Freiburg.

Pia Lamberty
Social psychologist concerned with the question of why people believe in conspiracy theories and what consequences these beliefs can have. With Katharina Nocun, she has published the books Fake Facts – Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen (2020) and True Facts – Was gegen Verschwörungserzählungen wirklich hilft (2021). She codirects the Center for Monitoring, Analysis, and Strategy (CeMAS).

Annabelle Mattick
Educator and lecturer at veritas – Beratungsstelle für Betroffene von Verschwörungserzählungen (veritas – Counseling Center for Persons Affected by Conspiracy Narratives). Prior to this, she worked at a counseling center for religiously-based extremism, where she counselled those affected and those wanting to leave. She also coordinated political education initiatives and prevention at schools.

Katharina Nocun
Publicist, political scientist, and economist, former online activist, blogger, and politician. She was the executive director of the local Pirate Party in Germany and led the Campact campaign “Protection for Edward Snowden in Germany,” among others. She writes and lectures on conspiracy narratives.

Prof. Dr. Philipp Osten
Historian of medicine focusing on medicine in National Socialism and the history of hospitals and patients. He is the director of The Institute for History and Ethics of Medicine at the Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), where he directs the Museum of Medical History.

Prof. Dr. Anatol Stefanowitsch
Linguist and English language specialist with a focus on grammatical constructions and conceptual metaphors. Consultant on questions of gender-sensitive language. Professor at the Institut für Englische Philologie at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Concept and Curation

Dr. Jadwiga Kamola
Historian of art and ideas, works in the intersection of art and medicine as well as post-19th-century art and politics. She curates, writes, and lectures about historical and interdisciplinary topics as well as about urgent issues of our time such as racism and museums or else memory and diversity.

Concept and videos
Shabnam Nimi Divingele
Shabnam is a freelance filmmaker and video editor based between London and Berlin and studied political science at Univeritz of Bremen. She shoots, directs and edits films and videos often with a political focus. Her work ranges from independent as well as branded short form content, music videos and documentaries to feature length films.
Website Instagram
Project management
Barbara Biel
Exhibitions, Anne Frank Educational Center
Eva Berendsen, Katja Böhne, Astrid Kasperek
Anne Frank Educational Center
English translation
Kennedy-Unglaub Translations
Selected Literature
- Anton, Andreas & Schink, Alan: Der Kampf um die Wahrheit, Verschwörungstheorien zwischen Fake, Fiktion und Fakten, Munich 2021
- Applebaum, Anne: Die Verlockung des Autoritären. Warum antidemokratische Herrschaft so populär geworden ist, Munich 2021
- Butter, Michael: ‚Nicht ist wie es scheint’ Über Verschwörungstheorien, Berlin 2018
- CeMAS: Die Bundestagswahl 2021. Welche Rolle Verschwörungsideologien in der Demokratie spielen, Berlin 2021
- Gess, Nicola: Halbwahrheiten. Zur Manipulation von Wirklichkeit, Berlin 2021
- Hepfer, Karl: Verschwörungstheorien. Eine philosophische Kritik der Unvernunft, Bielefeld 2015
- Jaster, Romy & Lanius, David: Die Wahrheit schafft sich ab. Wie Fake News Politik machen, Stuttgart 2019
- Nocun, Katharina & Lamberty, Pia: Fake Facts, Wie Verschwörungstheorien unser Denken bestimmen, Cologne 2021
- Nocun, Katharina & Lamberty, Pia: True Facts, Was gegen Verschwörungserzählungen wirklich hilft, Cologne 2021
- Roose, Jochen: Sie sind überall. Eine repräsentative Umfrage zu Verschwörungstheorien, Forum für Empirische Sozialforschung für die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2020, available online.
- Skudlarek, Jan: Wahrheit und Verschwörung. Wie wir erkennen, was echt und wirklich ist, Stuttgart 2019
- Stiftung Kloster Dalheim (ed.): Verschwörungstheorien – früher und heute. Begleitbuch zur Sonderausstellung der Stiftung Kloster Dalheim, LWL-Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur, Dalheim 2019